Teknologi / Software / IT
Specialist / Sundhedsteknologi
Dette talent er et oplagt valg, hvis I leder efter en nyuddannet specialist inden for sundhedsteknologi, som k...
Audio-programmør / Interaktiv Designer
Dette talent er et sjældent fund og vil være det oplagte valg, hvis du søger en profil, der kombinerer en musi...
CPO / Senior Product Manager
This talent is an exceptional match if you are seeking a CPO or Senior Product Manager who excels in bringing ...
IT-Projektleder – Cybersikkerhed
Dette talent er et godt valg, hvis du søger en kompetent IT-projektleder med erfaring inden for projektledelse...
CTO / VP of Technology
This talent is an excellent match for you if you’re looking for a visionary technology leader who can bu...
Data and Automation Engineer
This talent is an excellent match for your company if you are looking for a data-driven professional who can s...
IT Architect / Senior Software Developer
This talent is an excellent match for you if you are looking for an experienced IT Architect/Developer with a ...
CTO / Head of Engineering
This talent is an ideal match for your organization if you’re seeking a seasoned technical leader with e...
Head of Development
This talent is an excellent match if you are seeking an experienced senior developer ready to step into a role...
Flere talenter på vej
Nye profiler oprettes løbende
Da talentoversigten er et nyt initiativ, vil der i en periode være mange kandidater fra IQ-Rekrutterings kandi...